Five Ways for Busy Millennials to Make a Difference


Photo by Zen Chung


1. Engage with Your Community

Connect with your community by attending or hosting ‘Party with a Purpose’ events. It's an opportunity to socialize with friends, network with colleagues, and support a meaningful cause.

View our Upcoming Events

2. Share Your Skills

Donate your talents to a nonprofit or school, such as graphic design services, to help reduce their expenses. Whatever your expertise, sharing it can be a simple yet highly effective way to make a difference.

3. Promote Acts of Kindness

Practice ‘paying it forward.’ When someone does a good deed for you, instead of repaying them directly, pass on the kindness to another person.

4. Volunteer

Volunteering is a powerful way to create a positive impact, benefiting both the recipient and the volunteer. Set goals to identify service projects that interest you and lend a helping hand.

Visit our Volunteer Page

5. Donate

If you're short on time, consider making a monetary donation to your favorite charity. Every dollar you contribute serves a meaningful purpose.

Make a Donation to TFC

Step into a world where every action, no matter how small, becomes a stepping stone toward a brighter, more compassionate tomorrow. Let's maximize our collective potential to create a wave of change, one purposeful act at a time.


Maximizing the Impact of Your Donations: Smart Strategies to Make Every Dollar Count


Seven Acts of Kindness: Simple and Enjoyable Ways for Busy Millennials to Make a Difference in Their Community